11 October 2017

Lunch Sonnets

My latest idea is to write a Petrarchan sonnet (same number of lines but different rhyme scheme from the more familiar Shakespearean sonnet) every day at lunch. I've only tried it for the last two days, and they are not very good sonnets, but I plan to keep trying!

Day One

Before I wake, the time creeps by so slow
the minutes right before the bell seem hours
yet once awake, still sleepy, at half power
The breakfast hour's a blur, I eat and go
The shower's another time-vortex, although
I've only got so many parts to scour
and don't need so much water, but my showers
could last for hours, dazed beneath the flow.
But sometimes, only sometimes, certain acts
or certain sights transport me, and I find
time bends both ways at once, expands, contracts.
And sometimes, clocks, alarms are left behind.
While watching cars pass, headlights... Time refracts
and bends around my (nearly) empty mind.

Day Two

Clear skies this morning as I stepped outside
The clouds above our building high and white
just one street over, though, unwelcome sight
of dark grey storm, and so I turned my stride
to a convenience store, shrugged off my pride
and bought a child's umbrella, hurried right
to school as morning skies turned dark as night
I glumly watched the downpour from inside.
My mood turns dark, but soon the rain's no more
The flooded field is drained, the sun comes back
It soon seems like it never even poured.
Initial sadness swells to aching lack -
The rain excused my mood, which now endures.
Excuseless now. Rain's gone, my mood's still black.

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